Creative Resolutions

New year reflections are often a double-whammy for me, since I celebrate my birthday a few days after the start of the year. I've found that resolutions that focus on what brings joy (versus what should be restricted) feel more meaningful and long lasting.

Concerning creative matters, I don't really have any specific resolutions stemming from the “new year, new me” pressure (it is quite a bit of pressure, isn't it? It feel like social media is trying to trick us into reinventing ourselves when we are enough as-is).

For me, I know that traditional art making is a great break from commercial design and illustration work. I'm signing up for a bird painting course, (omg Jane Kim), a gouache course (omg Don Kilpatrick) and trying to get into my sketchbook as much as I can find pockets to do so. I joined a graphic novel book club as I would like to write one about gardens… small steps, right?

That said, most of my creative activity is pretty solitary… so, I have been looking at ways to create connection moments with art making too. I’ve been doing some linocut hangouts and making pottery with friends, too! This has felt super nice as I can learn different skills but also nurture important relationships, too.

By the end of January we may have already broken some resolutions or also gaining stride in others. What fills your cup? Pick some simple choices based on that. Be easy on yourself. I hope whatever adjustments you make are bringing you pleasure instead of guilt.

My sketchbook practise is messy at best… and often in the moonlight as I have lots of mom and work obligations throughout the daytime. The important part is to just show up, even for a little bit.

Pottery outcomes from last Autumn! I am back into hand building pottery class on Wednesday evenings and hope to make a pile more pieces to give away to friends and family :)

Little linocut experiments! Most of these were carved around social activities we hosted at home… which felt nice. I love to create moments with friends or family where we can carve together and print something simple.


Deep-diving into my art supply cabinet!


An Interview with Amanda